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This Policy was first issued in April 2023 and will be reviewed and updated annually by a responsible Director to incorporate any legislative amendments or best practice updates.

Dowlas Property Group Ltd is committed to eliminating acts of modern day slavery from within its own business and from within its supply chains. The Company acknowledges and accepts its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will ensure transparency within the organisation and with suppliers of goods and services to the Company.

The Company is a privately-held limited company engaged in all aspects of building and construction services. The Company does not operate any overseas branches nor does it conduct operations outside the United Kingdom. The Company relies on its supply chains in order to undertake construction projects. The Company’s supply chains for both goods and services are predominantly composed of United Kingdom based entities and the majority of these have long-standing relationships with the Company. On occasion, the Company (and those in its supply chain) will source goods and services from overseas.

From the date of adoption of this statement, slavery and human trafficking enquiries will be made into any new supplier engagements. This due diligence process will incorporate a review of the controls undertaken by the supplier and any new contractual documentation issued by the company shall include confirmations from suppliers that they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The Company will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.

This statement has been unanimously approved by the Company’s board of directors and the Company is committed to providing adequate training and investment to ensure that trafficking is not taking place within the organisation or within its supply chain.

The directors and senior managers shall take responsibility for implementing this policy statement.

This policy statement is to be published on the Company’s website (with a link in a prominent place on the website’s homepage) and reviewed on an annual basis.

Matt Tyler
Managing Director

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